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Acts of Kindness Day is coming up fast!

On Sunday, February 17th people around the world will being doing random acts of kindness in their communities.

Use the ideas for kindness to yourself, others and the planet in this list to inspire you to make a better world.

We hope Acts of Kindness Day encourages you to #livekind all year.


Batch your errands.

Save yourself some time (and fuel costs) by doing a bunch of errands in a row. It takes less time than spreading errands out over the week. More free time, yay!

Spend some time in nature.

This one is actually good for our mental health and the planet. The more you spend time in nature, the more you become aware of human effects on the earth. This quote from renowned surfer and activist, Kelly Slater, comes to mind:

“I think when a surfer becomes a surfer, it’s almost like an obligation to be an environmentalist at the same time.”

- Kelly Slater

 Write your future self a note and forgive yourself.

Years ago I wrote a letter to my 10-years-older self. Besides laughing when I read my younger thoughts, it helped me let go of past disappointments I didn’t even realize I was still holding on to.

You can do an email version of this with sites like futureme.



Drop off a donation to the Children’s Hospital.

This one is simpler than it seems. Most children’s hospitals have a list of items they’re looking for, like colouring books, or markers. Check the list and pick up one of the items.

In the Vancouver area, information including who to talk to about donations can be found on the BCCHF website.


Put some change in a vending machine and walk away.

This may seem a little silly. But think about who uses vending machines. It’s people who forgot their lunch, people who are working hard and need a break, someone who needs a pick me up.

It just might be the thing someone needed that day to feel like their luck is changing for the better.

Leave an uplifting note in the pages of a library book.

Jot down your favorite inspirational quote, or write an uplifting message and hide it in the pages of your favorite book. Think of it like a message in a bottle but this one won’t get lost in the ocean.

Give blood.

Ok, this one may not be that simple in theory but when all you have to do is sit there for a few minutes and eat a cookie afterwards, I’d say it makes the cut.

For Canada, you can easily find a donation clinic near you through the Canadian Blood Services Website https://myaccount.blood.ca/en/donate?gclid=Cj0KCQiA-onjBRDSARIsAEZXcKZG1Hn8iyjZLenAhfsxOQUAPZFmxUrPcYO-0d4qKP8H2oLZOdDA5FQaAlcDEALw_wcB

Do a chore for someone.

If you have roommates or a partner, or a neighbour, go do something on their list.

If you’re a lone wolf, be kind to your future self and knock something off your own chore list :).

For the Planet

Beautify the beach.

Take a walk by the waterfront, and make it a goal to pick up a handful of trash. Keep those things from getting back into the sea or waterways.

Remember your reusable grocery bags.

At this point, a lot people have reusable bags, but remembering them is the hard part. Put a few by the door or in your car right now so they’re easy to grab when you’re heading out.

Find that tupperware lid.

If you’re road-tripping or working the weekend, pack a lunch in reusable containers instead of opting for restaurant to-go containers. Some places will even give you a bit of a discount if you bring your own dishware.

If you’re in Vancouver, Platform 7 Coffee Brew Bar has been known to give discounts when you bring your own reusable mug.


Stevie Froese
Stevie Froese

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